Friday, January 28, 2011
today is 28/1/10, when a few hours later i will start the 4thday of my promoter job.
so far, station (meaning promoter) has been bring so far, with not many ppl around the minimart. so far sales have been slow, so what i did was to interact with the kids that i see :) and right now i'm reporting for work earlier, so as to earn more money :)
so today, tmr and sunday, hoping to see sales boom, at least i won't be so bored on my job and need to resort to playing ds and read newspapers to relieve my boredom.
and is pokka green tea really that nice? i don know leh, many ppl say it's nice, and i could buy one can and try someday, cos drinking green tea isn't really my favourite activity
interacting with the kids really made me think that one day, i will sign up to be a volunteer, maybe not now, but maybe hen i've finally settled down :)
right now, there isn't anything i want to blog about, so, okok, next post shall be about my buys during CNY, hopefully i can get what i want :) (orange fantasy...)
and sometimes in life, u just gotta be alone for a change
there's no point asking someone to accompany u when most of the time u are just alone
alone is my new friend, my partner, my life and my destiny
::10:27 AM
Thursday, January 6, 2011
hmmm, first post of 2011, and it's made on 6/1/2011, which was 19 days since last post :(
and i;m using a new laptop to type the first post of 2011, with additional warranty, this laptop cost 1200 bucks, and will be monthly payment of $50 per month over 2 years, haha, 2 years in army and this com will be fully paid, can't wait :)
but a slight problem is, i have slight difficulty typing on this lappy, so need time to adjust, cos i keep spelling words wrong, but at least, it's fast (like duh, this is a NEW laptop), if it's slower than the old one then why i buy? LOL :)
hmmm, so i recently have this supermarket job, and BELIEVE ME, it's a horrendous job :( it's like we have to do shelving, and remove stuff from shelves, fine, i'm ok with this, but one thing is, most of the time the old products are not reflected on the new price tags, so we have to anyhow put these old products back, and next time take them down again, when the correct products arrive, I mean, what the heck man, this job is stupid la, the only thing i learnt, is how to read panelgrams, which i am sure anyone can read after a 1 minute briefing
sian la, at least i am ending soon, working at shop n save was a mainly bad experience. although get to know a few nice friends, it still can't outweigh the mundane behaviour of the job
and after shop n save (i'm ending on 8-1-2011, which is this saturday), i'm working at another SUPERMARKET job, yeah, this time it's at econ minimart
apparently, job description is as follow:
* Work in supermarkets
* Starting on 14 Jan to 2 Feb 2011
* Stock up and promotion of CNY drinks
* Commemorative T-shirt and training provided
* Basic + Completion Bonus
* Students welcome to apply!
hmmm, seems much more interesting than shop n save, but then again, i learnt that agencies can't really be trusted fully, shop n save job wasn't supposed to be that bad. expected pure menial labour, where u just work, and don't have to think, ok la, so i get to work in air-con environment, but work with guys, and no girls, is a minor turn-off, then have to crack our brains to think about how to stuff the goods, and not make the floors so cramped, SIAN TTM!!!!!!!!! -_-
so if i start on 14 Jan, that means i only have a 6 day break between the 2 jobs, hmmm, i think enough for me to do a few things. on 10 Jan, i will go back to AMKSS, see my juniors get results and maybe give the rundown of AJC, and it's secrets. hehehe LOL
and i will go gym one day, and maybe catch a movie during a weekday, i think i will just do these things alone, no point finding someone else to accompany u and then have to plan this and plan that. alone is sometimes the best policy :)
after all, u cannot escape from ur own destiny, up till now, i still believe that i'm destined to be alone. an i can't change that.
NOTE TO SELF: blog more, and blog more regularly :)
::11:37 PM